Monday 12 April 2010

Surrealism alive and well.

This is not a photography update, because there has been absolutely nothing photographic in the last month or so on which I can update you.

Instead, I'm going to share a series of wall posts a friend made on my Facebook.



送松。 宋鬆頌聳訟淞誦。工公共功紅可一唷已永用一,頭口肉某走!


ㅆ! 문 킴 림ㅅ . 흥.

고 노 보 고 .


あああ青尾尾尾絵絵絵胃胃胃イア。ああの 僕のい かし





And now the translation.


What do you Ma Ma scolded ant code issues raised area Mount Body brother was being charged more than the empty hole Kong Mountain pressed sincere fear of hollow Kong air?

Get loose. Song-Song Song Song Song Song-defendants. Workers in public Gonghong may have never used a yo a head of a walking mouth meat!

I walk away with fleshy mouth. What broke my hand a few mouthfuls of meat, mother of every family tree will have to go with meat mouth!

Son of a! Kim Moon Forest fuck, man. Hm.

He said no protection.

Joker joker joker joker!

Ia stomach stomach stomach picture picture picture tail tail Ao Oh Yeah. But Oh, if my
Oh, oh area to rear tail!

Oh, and the world s water Yore.

Uu, vs Ini speak.
Oh tailed cormorant, I Ono Aichi, rather Ichichi ー

Fuji Yu of writing, you should speak to the waves. . .


Problem is, it makes sense at times. That's worrisome considering the person who communicated this vital information to me in several Asian languages in fact speaks none of them.

Have a nice day now. :)

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